Friday, 29 August 2014


If you have looked on our Te Marae page, you will know we have been learning our pepeha. We have used the Tellagami app to present them. We are so proud of how they have turned out. We would appreciate your comments on what we have done well and things we could improve on.


  1. Mrs M aka Ms Atkins29 August 2014 at 02:34

    Oh my goodness Room 11! What technological GEEKS you are!
    These pepeha brought tears to my eyes as I could hear how much your Te Reo has developed under the nurturing guidance of Mrs T! I am so, so proud of you all as you represent your whanau here! Keep up the champion work.
    "Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria" (My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul)

    1. Thank you Ms Atkins aka Mrs M i think we are technology Geeks too. I think room 11 love technology.:)

  2. awww thank you Mrs M :) You are our inspiration! Thank you, we are GEEKS! and proud of it! :)

  3. Wow these mihi are awesome because all of you have done your best to do the mihi it's cool that most of you did it wow it's just very cool keep it up you guys;]

  4. thanks Mrs M. your the best. you and Mrs T are the best.

  5. Wow Room 11 - what amazing pepeha! You are trying really hard and I hope you have a great time and learn lots at the marae next week.
    Miss Cowie

  6. Thanks Miss Cowie your great

  7. Ohh I can't wait to go to the mārae love it a lot.

  8. were going to the mārae and were going to have lots of fun

  9. The Mārae was so awesome and so different. I wish I could go there again sometime.

  10. The marae trip was super cool because the food and the house was awesome. I can't believe that the person that built the fairfield marae is still alive
