Bloggers Guidelines

We have decided to share the rules that we follow with you so you know them too. We have discussed being safer in cyberspace with Mrs T and the ways we can keep ourselves safe online. 

  • When we post work it will be identified by their first names only.
  • When leaving a comment please leave your first name only
  • If there is a photo of someone you know, please don't leave a comment that includes their name as we do not want them to be identified online.
  • Parents who leave comments please don't leave your last name.
  • All the comments are emailed to Mrs T before they are seen on the blog. She will publish the comment if it is appropriate. That is why they will not appear on the blog straight away. 
  • Make sure you check your comment before you publish it.  
  • Please leave a comment that is of high quality and possibly includes a question for us to answer. 
  • Mrs T posts on our blog. We can choose what we want on there. If there is anything we don't like, we ask her to change it.
  • When writing a comment always write in full sentences. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar before you send the comment. 


  1. The bloggers guideline is a list of things that have to be done properly on the blog . Yes , we have to cheek our spelling before we publish , but what does the please prove your not a robot part for because I'm getting it all the time ! Is it a part where you have to type words that don't even exist and words that do exist ? .

    happy blogging people and room 11

  2. This is really helpful. I'll check this everyday till i know this well
