Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Shared Book- Little Mouse and the Red Wall

Amanda and Hannah have been working hard to share their new learning with you all. 

Monday, 24 September 2018

Our Personal Taonga

We used a model from Gail Loane's book, I've Got Something To Say, to write about our personal treasure. 

Friday, 21 September 2018

How to Take a Chance

We have been reading this wonderful book by Kobi Yamada to help us with taking risks and making the most of an opportunity. We have been using our SMARTs to help us think and respond to the text.

Peyton explains how the main character changed through the story using the Chatter Pix app.

Ruma Toru Loves to Write

All year, we have been focussing on being descriptive when we write. We try very hard to paint a vivid picture in our reader's minds by adding detail, using different sentences starters and sentence types. We also like to add vivid verbs to help with this.

Reading Response

The Explorers reading group has been reading and responding to an article from Kiwi Kids News about the game Fortnite. 

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Reading Response

The Spies reading group chose an article from Kiwi Kids News completed a reading response. Amanda chose an interesting article about the laziest countries in the 


Saturday, 18 August 2018

Digital Devices

We love to write. We were inspired by a video clip about the effects of the overuse of digital devices. We chose our own genre to write about the information from the video clip. Noah shares his thoughts on digital devices.

Wire Sculpture STEAM Challenge

We have been working hard over the last 3 weeks to design and create wire sculptures to hang in our classroom tree. We found it wasn't as easy as it looked and needed to overcome many challenges. Hannah and Jasmine show their learning journey below.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Our Vision Boards

For the start of the term, we decided to put together a vision board to show our goals, aspirations, inspirations, passions and how we will achieve them.

The Promise Book Snap

We have been reading The Promise by Nicole Davies this week. We are very excited to share our reading responses as a Book Snap. Thank you Tara Martin for the great idea.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

STEAM Challenge Week 7 Term 1

Every two weeks Tuakana Toru complete a STEAM challenge.  We were challenged to design and build a brushbot to paint a picture using fractions of colour. It really was challenging.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Check out our shared book for this week

We all get stuck at times and Floyd is no exception. We would love you to share our shared book and thinking. Click on the image to follow our learning. 

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Be More Dog!

To start our year, we watched a wonderful YouTube clip and discussed what it meant to us. 

We decided we wanted to be more DOG not CAT.