Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Our Shared book this week has been In My Heart, written by Jo Witek. Some of us decided to give Toondoo a whirl to show our learning. We needed to think of a scenario and then show what BTBWCB tools we would use to make the situation better.

Using our tools
Adams toondoo
Shayarna Toondoo

Saturday, 29 November 2014

We're Out to Persuade You!

Room 11 has been working hard to learn about how to sell tickets to our school production. We have been learning about how to use emotive language, commands and rhetorical questions to sell tickets to you.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

I'm Glad I'm Me, inspired by Phil Bosta

We were inspired to write our own poems after reading the poem, I'm Glad I'm Me written by Phil Bosta. For more of our poems you can click on our Author's Arcade page to read them.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

You Can Do It Bert!

Through reading our shared book we have been learning about how the author and illustrator show the character traits and emotions of a character. We have been using the Explain Everything and Educreation apps to show our thinking. If you are interested in our reviews click on our Shared Book page.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Characterisation Writer's Theatre

Hot off the press, Kuini-Marnie and Felicity have used Educreations and Gloria has used Google slides to put together their description of a character from our writing page.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Our Awesome Affirmations

We are celebrating our achievements, successes and hard work this term. As a part of our shared book learning, we discovered affirmations encourage and support us to learn and overcome challenges. We have used Google docs to create an affirmations page about who we are and who we will be.

Felicity's Affirmations

Adam' Affirmations

Destiny's Affirmations

To view the remainder of our affirmations pages, please click on our Shared Book page.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Come on, Celebrate.

As a part of our celebrations unit we have been learning about celebrations in other cultures. The Starbursts guided reading group have been exploring celebrations in Japan.

Sunday, 19 October 2014



In our geometry unit we discovered tessellations are a repeating pattern with no gaps. We are very proud to show you our learning as we really worked on these.


Monday, 6 October 2014

What's Up For Term Four?

Can You Guess?

This term we are in for an exciting ride of learning. We will be busy with production and showing our awesomeness! Here are a couple of clues as to what Room 11 will be learning about. Can you guess? Let us know.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

How Bizarre!

We have been inspired by the song How Bizarre, written by Pauly Fuemana (OMC). Room11 has used the music and written our own lyrics to write a modern day legend about Tutanekai and Hinemoa. 

To view more of our songs, please visit our author's arcade.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Te Wharenui

As a part of our Te Marae unit, Room 11 has been learning about the importance of the wharenui and the significance of the different parts of its structure. We used the Educreations app to show our learning. Check out the rest of our learning on our Te Marae page.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Tips for Writing a Comment on a Blog.

While trolling the Internet looking for resources for our Te Marae unit I stumbled across this video clip made by a class in the United States. It got me thinking about how  Room 11 needs to improve the quality of our comments. 

Watch the video and think about the improvements you need to make. 

What did you learn? What will you change?

Post a comment discussing the things you already do well and the things you will do now to improve your blog comments.

Now it's time to put your learning into practise, click on the links below and leave a quality comment on at least 3 of the classroom blogs on the list. Your challenge is to try and create a conversation between you and the bloggers. Ask questions or connect their information with the learning we have been doing or your own experiences. Perhaps you could even blog the class that was our inspiration for this learning.

p.s. Blog grades 3, 4, 5 classrooms.

Friday, 29 August 2014


If you have looked on our Te Marae page, you will know we have been learning our pepeha. We have used the Tellagami app to present them. We are so proud of how they have turned out. We would appreciate your comments on what we have done well and things we could improve on.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Learning our Times Tables

Many parents asked for practise examples for their children to learn their times tables at home. The website provided is great as it is timed and you can choose the level of difficulty. You can also select which times tables or basic facts you want to practise. Click on the graphic to take you straight to the website. Have fun with your tamariki :)

Friday, 22 August 2014

Te Marae

Challenge Unit

Room 11 and Kauri Block are getting prepared for their marae visit this term. We will be learning marae protocol, our pepeha and about the meaning behind the different parts of a wharenui. 

You are able to see our learning units by visiting our guided reading and our Te Marae pages.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Cross Country

Vignette Writing

Room 11 has been busy writing up a storm about our cross country experience. We were inspired by the story "Cowpat Girl" written by Jessica Hemmings and used her writing as our model. Our "playing hard" learning was also incorporated into some of our writing too. We used Youblisher to publish. Click on the picture to read our ebook.

Room 11

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Shared Book


Retold by: Chris Szekely

Room 11 has begun a new unit of learning about Maori myths and legends. We have started by reading a legend based on a true story from Rotorua about Tutanekai and Hinemoa. After reading we decided the moral or teaching from the story was:

  • never give up on your dreams or goals
  • everyone needs to be loved
  • love wins
  • never judge a book by its cover.

To see what we will be learning visit our Shared Book page.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

We Play Hard!

Room 11 has been inspired by Patricia Grace and her "Beans" story. You can visit our learning intentions on our writing page. This is just a taster. You will be able to view our other authors on the Authors' Arcade page as we were able to choose how we published our work.

We would love to hear what you think of our presentation and writing. We would also be interested in your view on how we could improve our next piece of writing and presentation.

We have already started reflecting on our learning.

Daytona said, "I didn't have enough time to read some of the slides."

Kuini-Marnie said, " There are spelling mistakes."

Mrs Stuckey said, "I can't read the text because of the colour of the font over the background."

Sunday, 3 August 2014


Being the Best We Can Be!

Room 11 has been keen to settle into term 3, we have been setting our goals after reflecting on our classroom and what we would like our classroom to be like. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

It's All About You!

Welcome back to term 3. We are going to start off with getting to know each other again! We will be writing bio-poems this week. Check out our writing page to get a preview of what we will be writing.

Wow Take a Look at Our Final product!

Click on the photo and it will take you to our Author's Arcade.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Pizza in Rome

Oceana, just for you. While we were in Rome we stayed in a small village about an hour away from the city. For dinner we just had to have pizza just the way the Italians do! What are the differences to our pizzas? 


Even 2000 years ago the Romans had take away food. In the ruins of Herculaneum archeologists found food stalls. What type of foods did they eat back then? I bet they didn't have McDonalds or KFC!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Old ruins

These ruins of a Greek temple are over 2500 years old! Amazing to think people lived here all that time ago. 

How did they put the huge blocks of stone on top of the pillars? Remember these people had no cranes! 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

We Get Crazy!

This week we got crazy experimenting with crazy putty. We found that when we added a solution of Borax and water to PVA glue a chemical reaction occurred, forming a solid that we could mould into a ball and bounce.

Our conclusion was:

When two or more molecules are joined together a new compound is formed. This can also cause a change in state.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Our Science Learning

Exploring Change with States of Matter 

This week we were learning with Miss Winter about Oobleck. We really enjoyed making Oobleck and testing how various items sank and then raised to the surface of the Oobleck. We found that when we poured the Oobleck it acted like a liquid, when we grabbed it in our hands it oozed through our fingers and when we put pressure on the Oobleck it behaved like a solid.

Oobleck on PhotoPeach

If you were trapped in a bath full of Oobleck, how would you escape?

This website might be able to help you find a solution to your problem.


Thursday, 15 May 2014

A Great Start to the New Term

We Just Love Learning!

To begin our new term, we have been reflecting on our learning so far. We did this by "free-styling" for writing. For something new, we decided to publish our writing as a writer's theatre using the Explain Everything app and iMovie to be able to share it with you. Please go to our Author's Arcade page.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Luke's Way of Looking, Authors: Nadia Wheatley and Matt Ottley

We have been reading Luke's Way of Looking for our shared book, a book about a boy who has a passion for art and discovers there are actually people just like him in the World. 

Our views:

Jennifer: I thought the artwork was creative, I especially liked the way some of the pictures were based on famous artists.

Shelley: At the beginning the pictures had no colour, as the story went on, the pictures got brighter and brighter as Luke got happier.

Somi: I liked how I learnt about famous artist's different styles. It told us not to give up on our dreams and to follow them.

Kuini-Marnie: I found the book to be inspiring because Luke used his imagination and that taught me to follow in his footprints. It also showed us, that we should never give up.

Adam: The book was creative because it showed me everyone has different passions for different things and that's ok.

Bailey: I found the book interesting because I found there were many different artists in the world.

  The art work in the story is inspired by famous artists like Picaso and J Pollock. We decided to have a go ourselves.